It wasn't very long until the BYJOTY(Britishs Young Juggler Of The Year) competition took place. I had everything I needed-the music, the juggling, and my energy. I was however, lacking in one thing, and that was costume. I decided to make a pos ton the Gatto Forums for help on creating a costume when the user MarkyMark, or Mark Kolbusz, contributed his idea. 'I think you should dress up as Bono'. I thought he was joking but I thought it was a great idea anyway and so privately e-mailed him to discover he was being serious. We came to the conclusion that there was more to bono than the shades and hat. Bono had a particular personality. Not many people will know exactly how he acts, but I thought this aspect of 'baby bono' should not be neglected. I literally sat and studied videos of Bono to find out what sort of a person he was like on stage. I then chose to e-mail a Bono look alike who kindly shared his knoledge and was happy to help, and his help certainly was handy. I told a few more people so that they could help ou, and to see what they think. Casey and Norbi both knew because I knew they would be honest with their opinions and they where both willing to help out with costume.
I then came up with the name Baby Bono and designed a shirt with the name on the back. I got some shades, some bono-esque trousers, and some gel and hair spray, and a cowboy hat that me and my mum found in Camden during a trip to Oddballs. the transformation before the show was quite suprising. I really did look like a baby bono, especially with the hair and yes, believe it or not, black eyelashes. Every little detail counts! I even had a mini edge...thanks Luke for helping out.
Then I had my doubts. Would it be funny? Would I pull it off? But I did. And I came to the conclusion that it was the best performance I had ever done.
It was really cool doing certain things on stage that I wouldn't usually get away with, like reaching out to a camera in the front row. That was a great moment. I felt like a totally diffrent person, certainly not Ady.
I was kind of dissapointed with what I won in the competition. I really wanted the judges choice and gold award, but I only got a silver. Better luck next time!
Here is the performance, caught on camera:
That was a really great performance. Great juggling and great Bono, congratulations.
That was such an amazing video, and performance!! I don't think i'll ever be able to putt something like that off! Congratz, i really enjoyed your video, and getting to hang around with you during the BJC.
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